Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I don't have much of a stash and what I do have is, dare I speak it out loud, acrylic. I am trying to burn through it so I can buy some of the beautiful yarns I have discovered since becoming addicted to Ravelry.

Right now I am working on a Afghan for a pregnant colleague. Of course, I started yesterday and she is 9 months pregnant.

But that is what I am using as a motivation.

The stash I am using is yarn I bought last year to make a baby afghan when my step brother Matt had his baby - he must be close to a year old now. Then again, the other day I was cleaning out a craft area and found a cross stitch project I had started when my nephew Jonathan was born - he graduated high school this past spring.

Oh well . . . I have finished several projects this year, maybe I have turned over a new leaf.


  1. how is the afgan going and have you managed to start buying new yarns yet...

  2. Well, I got bored with that project once my friend had her baby. She is 500 miles away and I have never really met her so . . . .
